The cost is less than $1.50-2.00 per song.Performance and Accompaniment versions for all full-length songs in the issue.And since we pay for everything we publish, you may find that your good ideas and pictures will pay for your subscription. The regular Photo Journal feature includes idea-filled pictures from teachers all around the world.Pages of great ideas from our subscribers, including: bulletin boards, games, songs, rounds, unit ideas, lesson plans, classroom management ideas, rewards, anecdotes about life in the classroom, and much more!.Network - Teachers Exchanging Great Ideas (Each song in the revue will stand on its own if you aren't performing the whole work.) Each amazing volume of Music K-8 is full of great music, including a brand new musical or revue, which will be completed by the third issue.
Student Reproducible Parts can save you money and time, and are available in physical or downloadable format.a real value in these days of shrinking budgets! If you use only one song per issue, you will have saved more than the price of a subscription.Ten or more never-before published works with full rights for you to duplicate them for use with your students.Your browser does not support HTML5 audio.